Thursday, January 30, 2020

Goals of Bureaucracy Essay Example for Free

Goals of Bureaucracy Essay Bureaucracy is an organizational or governmental structure wherein the regulations and principles are set in a specified and rigid way to control the activities within a group. Bureaucracy follows a standardized set of procedures which its members are expected to follow in order to execute tasks. Bureaucracy is highlighted by its distinct characteristics which put emphasis on hierarchy, division of powers and relationships which translate to a formal political influence within the organization. The modern day practice of bureaucracy is set to towards reaching predetermined goals by sticking to rigid policies. Bureaucrats are expected to follow certain rules and regulations in order to ensure a smooth work flow within the organization (â€Å"Bureaucracy and Adhocracy,† n. d) Bureaucracy under different types of government works either for the benefit of the people, or their demise. As such, there are certain values that bureaucrat representatives must take into account in order to efficiently provide for the needs of the majority. There are different values which bureaucrats must be able adhere. These values are efficiency, accountability, neutrality and responsiveness to citizens among others. However, I personally believe that among these qualities and goals that a bureaucratic government must adhere, accountability and neutrality are two of the most important. Accountability within a government body is always important. Government bodies are elected because the majority of the people have chosen them represent their needs in the society. And as such, in a bureaucracy or in any other form of government, the importance of putting the people first is always a necessity (Mises, 1969, pp. 42-60). Accountability, if observed within a government translates into the other goals that bureaucracy should be accounted for. If government officials or bureaucrats will hold themselves accountable for the needs of the people, then they also render themselves responsive to the needs of the people who entrusted the government into leadership. Further, neutrality within the government system is equally as important. Leaders of a nation must, at all times, maintain neutrality – between the rich and poor; majority and minority. In this way, the rights of every individual for a fair and just treatment in the society will never be less prioritized. The right to fair treatment in the court or in the peoples daily lives is one of the most important aspect that a government or organization must provide to their people (Mises, 1969, pp. 42-60). Failure to provide the people with these two – accountability and neutrality – any government body or organization will function less properly and less effective in addressing the needs of the people. In addition, failure to make the people feel that the government is neutral in dealing with their people, and if the people felt that their government is less accountable to their needs and rights, people lose the trust they have for their government. Losing the trust of the people means that the organization itself is not efficient and is not effective into delivering the needs of the people. Thus, accountability and neutrality are two of the most distinct and important goals that any government or bureaucracy must instill. Accountability and neutrality, if put into practice, shall guide the government and the people to work efficiently together. These two values will render the government or organizational body the credibility towards the people under their rule. And as such, credibility shall also earn leaders respect and trust from the people.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Byzantium versus Western Europe Essay -- Ancient History, Roman Empire

The Eastern part of the Roman Empire held imperial power headed by the city Byzantium later renamed Constantinople after the emperor Constantine (316). It remained the capital until Charlemagne revived the Western Empire (316). Between 324 and 330, â€Å"the Byzantine Empire passed from an early period of expansion and splendor to a time of sustained contradiction and splintering and, finally, catastrophic defeat† (316). The first period; between 324 and 632, of Byzantine history experienced great successes territorially, politically, and culturally (317). Especially, under the reign of Emperor Justinian and Empress Theodora; both intelligent and tough; even to the extent of being called tyrants by their court historian and biographer (317-18). During their reign, there were more than 1500 cities, Constantinople being the largest filled with great size and splendor (317). Between the fourth and fifth centuries Decurions; councils of 200 local, wealthy, landowners, governed the cities (318). By the sixth century however, the decurion councils were replaced by special governors deemed more reliable by the emperor (318). Justinian also ordered a revision of Roman law and created several compilations with the aid of a committee of learned lawyers (320, 342). The compilations later became the foundation for most European law (320). The first compilation; Code, revised imperial edicts, the second; Novellae, presented the decrees issued by Justinian and his successors, the third; the Digest, compilation of old legal experts’ opinions, and the fourth compilation; the Institutes, a practical textbook for young scholars (320). Still, this strengthening of the empire did not allow him to retrieve the Western imperial lands conquered by barbarians... religion upon the people (325). Thus, these peoples found refuge in Muslims from Byzantine oppression (325). Muslim conquerors tolerated other religions and offered protection for many peoples (326). Christian Europe developed a lasting fear and suspicion of the Muslims as they were assaulted and challenged by them at all fronts (326) In both the east and west the Muslim invasion was confronted and halted though contact between Muslims and Christians continued (326). Muslims regarded Byzantium â€Å"as a model to learn from and improve upon† (326). Despite the differences between the Christian west and the Muslim world, there was creative interchange between the two (326). Sine the Arabs were more advanced, the West benefited from this interchange most (326). Oftentimes, the Church became an important force for Western Europe through invasions, changes, etc (328).

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Sci 220 Week 1

Nutrition and Health Worksheet 1. What is nutrition? Why is nutrition essential to our daily lives? | Nutrition is defined â€Å"as the science that links foods to health and disease. â€Å" Nutrition is also called nourishment that provides food for support of life. Nutrition involves the process of humans ingesting, digesting, absorbing, and excreting food substances. Food provides energy in the form of calories needed to maintain all body cells.Nutrients are the substances obtained from food that are an important factor to promote growth & maintain a healthy body through an individuals’ life. | 2. What is the connection between nutrition and health? | Nutrition is an important lifestyle factor that promotes growth and maintains a healthy body throughout an individual’s life. If an individual lives a sedentary life style and maintains a poor diet he/she will become at risk for developing life threatening diseases varying in different conditions from chronic and acut e.Examples of such diseases included but not limited to be heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer. Life threatening diseases mentioned above and other disorders will & may contribute too many deaths Risk factors such as hereditary, life style choices or poor nutritional habits also contribute to life threatening diseases. | 3. What are the six classes of nutrients? What are essential nutrients? What are the sources of nutrients?What do nutrients do? | The six classes of nutrients include: Carbohydrate—composed of hydrogen, carbon, & oxygen provide a major source of calories for the bodyLipids (fats & oils)—made up of carbon & hydrogen- used for main energy storage in the bodyProteins- made up of oxygen, hydrogen & carbon-nitrogen- makes up structure of body- muscles, bones, cells, blood, body cells, enzymes, and immune factors.Vitamins—can be made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus- allow for chemical reactions in bodyMinerals —functioning play an important role in the nervous system, water balance, structural systems, and many other cellular processes, but yield no calories as such for the body. Water – transports nutrients and waste-regulates temperature, acts as a lubricant and solvent for the bodyThe ources of nutrients include plants sources from fruits & vegetables, Nutrients can provide individuals with calories to meet energy needs; are very essential for growth, development, maintenance, & to assist in maintaining healthily body functions. | 4. How do vitamins and minerals work? | Vitamins allow for & enable many chemical reactions to occur in the body. Some of these reactions help release the energy trapped in carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. While the consumption of vitamins is beneficial to our bodies, over consumption of vitamins is dangerous and can be fatal.Minerals—functioning play an important role in the nervous system, water balance, structural systems, and many other cellular processes, but yield no calories as such for the body| 5. What does it mean to eat a balanced diet? Why is food choice important for good nutrition? | To consume the daily required amounts of nutrients from the six major food groups on a daily basis- see below:Vegetables, Fruits, Milk, Meat, Beans, and OilsFood provides energy in the form of calories needed to maintain all body cells Food provides energy in the form of calories needed to maintain all body cells.A balance diet mean eating different types foods and a variety of food groups. This means eating the proper portion size. When eating a balance diet the individual must eat the right amount nutritious.. | 6. What is undernutrition? What is overnutrition? | Undernutrition occurs when nutrient intake does not meet nutrient needs. For example if an individual’s iron level becomes low symptoms indicating low levels may not be noticed immediately- Follow up lab work with a physician would determine problem t herefore requiring tx.Overnutrition is defined as â€Å"prolonged consumption of more nutrients than the body needs. † â€Å"The most common type of overnutrition in developed nations is an excess intakeof calories often leading to obesity. â€Å"| 7. Why is physical activity important as it relates to nutrition and health? | When an individual engages in physical activity, it decreases the sedentary life, promotes healthy emotional well being while maintaining a healthy body weight. Physical fitness is very important in order to be fit an individual must us proper nutrition.The effect various based on the nutrients that affect the body. When the body needs to repair and grow it uses protein. The body uses carbohydrates during physical activity as an energy source. When an individual is fit the body uses its nutrition to help heal and main certain hydration when conducting physical activity. Healthy physical activity helps the individual sleepy at night, possible live longe r, feel better, healthy weight. | 8. Where might you find dietary recommendations? What are the recommended dietary allowances (RDA)? What are dietary reference intakes (DRIs)? The dietary recommendations can be found in the DRIs. The recommended dietary allowances (RDA) are the recommended allowances of nutrients that are based on meeting the needs of individuals in a certain age and gender group. Dietary reference intakes (DRI) is a group of terms that define nutrient needs. Included in the DRI are RDA- recommended daily allowances; AIs-adequate intakes; EERs-estimated energy requirements; &TUIL –tolerable intake levels. | 9. The United States Department of Agriculture created a diagram titled MyPlate. What is this diagram?Why should someone study this diagram? | The My Pyramid is a diagram designed by the United States Department of Agriculture used to translatenutrient recommendations into a foodplan that provides a variety, balance,and moderation of nutrients for individ uals. If individuals utilize and incorporate this diagram into their plan for healthy eating, it will help them maintain a healthy living lifestyle and body weight therefore decreasing the risk of life threatening diseases. In following this diagram, individuals may live a longer healthier life. | 10. What are some tools for diet planning? |The MyPyramid symbolizes is a personal approach to physical activity along with healthy eating habits. The basic symbol is designed to help remind individuals to start making better food choices when deciding which foods to eat on a daily basic. The MyPyramid symbols recommend foods from each food group. The groups are, Vegetables, grain, milk, Fruits, Beans, and Milk, when using the food groups properly this should provide an individual a healthy meal. The last element that was added to the My Primide is physical activity, this element illustrate the gradual improvement when working in moderation to achieve a healthy goal.The ultimate use for th e MyPyramid is to give individuals a quick guide to how much and the portion size an individual should eat. This is based on the food group, gender, age, and the various activity physical levels. The Mediterranean diet Pyramid is data from the Mediterranean region that has the lowest chronic diseases along with the highest adult life expectancy. This is basic onepidmiological and natural research. This Pyramid emphasize the benefit of plant food such as fruits, grain, vegetables, nuts, legumes, olives, seeds and olive oil, and emphasize the benefit of eating fish. 11. What is the calorie intake calculator? What factors does this calculator take into account? | The calorie intake calculator is a formula that is used to determine an individual’s caloric maintenance. The calorie intake calculator takes an individual’s height, age, sex, current weight, gender, and the amount of weight that an individual wants to lose into account. There are many different formulas you can use to determine your caloric maintenance level. When your RDI is set the food recipes, meals as a food diary for the individual and this information will display in the RDI. | 2. What are some dangers associated with dieting? | While dieting can be beneficial to individuals, it can also be very dangerous. There are many problems that can arise as a result of dieting. Nutritional deficiency is one the major risks when dieting. If an individual is on a fad diet and eating small portions of food, it will result in nutritional deficiency. If an individual is on a low carbohydrate diet, it can cause high blood pressure with the release of unhealthy ketones. If these ketones are released, it can cause nausea and weakness. | 13. What is the best way to lose weight?Explain your answer and provide at least one source, formatted consistent with APA guidelines, to support your answer. | The best way to lose weight is to understand how to select a healthy eating plan. When an individual eats a healthy diet, it provides the body required nutrients in which to perform to the best of their ability. Once the plan is understood and planned out it can be implemented. The individual can benefit from following the plan therefore reducing the risk of having life threatening diseases. Reference | 14. How does exercise influence body weight? |When individuals exercise on a regular basis, it helps reduce weight & maintains weight loss. In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle & fight obesity an individual must maintain a good diet, and work out program. Research has proven that if individuals eat a nutritious meal & exercise on a regular basis, they can lose a significant amount of weight, improve cardio vascular, feel more energetic better that men and women who lead/live a sedentary life. | 15. Consider your personal dietary habits. What are some modifications you might make to promote good health? I personally have lost a significant amount of weight recently and was able to do s o by reducing the portions of my food by half at each meal, cutting out sweets, breads, drinking lots of water (~ 8 glasses daily) –stopped eating at fast food restaurants on regular basis- not eating past 7:00 pm –snacking on foods like vegetables, yogurt, salads, fruits in between meals. I do not deny myself food when feeling hungry – just eat in moderation. I have recently joined a fitness gym and am incorporating an exercise regime to maintain my weight loss and tone my body. 16. How does today’s society affect our nutritional habits? | In today’s society fast food has become a regular part of our daily life. Everywhere you turn you see a variety of fast food restaurants enticing individuals to eat out. Daily routines and lack of time do not allow for some individuals to prepare healthy meals. It is much easier or even cheaper to eat out Some restaurants are now serving healthier menus. It is up to individuals to make the choice of how they cho ose to eat healthy or unhealthy. |

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Journey Of Aeneas From Virgil s Aeneid And The...

At a first glance, the journeys of Aeneas from Virgil’s Aeneid and Saint Augustine in his autobiography The Confessions, do not seem to have much in common. In Confessions, Augustine embarks on a spiritual journey, while Aeneas endures a physical one. After closely reading both texts, readers can see the powerful, striking connection between Saint Augustine’s journey and Aeneas’. The Confessions serves as a personal inspiration to readers by showcasing Augustine’s journey towards God, and His presence throughout that journey. Aeneas’ ability to overcome hardships because of his belief in the gods and divine grace, is closely related to Augustine’s ability to be exposed to God’s mercy and companionship, even when he did not have faith in Him, because of the notion instilled in him by God. Divine Providence is evident in both The Aeneid and The Confessions through examples such as, characters enduring storms as a result of the gods, or d reams confirming that God is in complete control of the world. Although Augustine has strayed from God, God remains with him. Throughout The Aeneid, Aeneas showcases divine grace, divine Providence, and self-sacrifice, which makes him relate more closely with Augustine’s journey of life than the one written by Virgil. Divine grace can be defined as the divine influence within humans, which inspires them to resist temptation and endure tribulations. It also signifies the reawakening of people to God. Throughout The Aeneid, Aeneas faces manyShow MoreRelatedWhy Is Humanities Important?3163 Words   |  13 Pagesculture, and our understanding of it. There are certain things that it s believed people will be better off for knowing. A lot of great works of literature fall into that category. The biggest ones are especially important because they haven t stopped coming up. These works are continuously referenced. Another reason that humanities is taught is because it helps people e xpress themselves better, and have a broader base from which to do so. If most of us have read and memorized the punishments inRead More Francescas Style in Canto V of Dantes Inferno Essay5060 Words   |  21 PagesFrancescas Style in Canto V of Dantes Inferno Canto V of Dantes Inferno begins and ends with confession. The frightening image of Minos who  «confesses » the damned sinners and then hurls them down to their eternal punishment contrasts with the almost familial image of Francesca and Dante, who confess to one another. In a real sense confession seems to be defective or inadequate in Hell. The huddled masses who declare their sins to Minos do so because they are compelled to declare